Wednesday, July 31, 2019

24: About Stroke

23: Working with kettle bell

It's only an experience sharing. Don't try it without consultation with your doctor.

22: Back to Office

May 2nd, 2019 is one of my most important days in my life. I came back to office after almost a year of my sick leaves due to stroke. It is the picture.

21: Doing Sit-up

Doing sit-up is my daily routine. Before, it was 10 times, I increased to 15 times and so on... Until now my sit-up is 50 times.


“I don't count my sit-ups; I only start counting when it starts hurting because they’re the only ones that count.”

― Muhammad Ali

20: Learns to Run

Let's run! (July 2019 and August 4, 2019)

July 2019

August 4,2019

Monday, July 29, 2019

18: Walking Tour

I had to visit a customer this morning (July 30, 2018), but it's a tough way to  get to their office. It should be easy for a normal person, but it's so tough for a stroke survivor like me. Let's join the tour!

17: Speech to welcome to my blog/vlog

Hi! I'm Jeff from Indonesia. Welcome to my blog/vlog to share my story. Enjoy

16: Walking by the Lake

Near my home, there is a lake. I usually jogged 3-4 laps, before it got too dark. After I was hit by stroke more than a year ago, my first lap was with a wheel chair!

After I could walk, I jogged 1/4 lap first then 1/2 lap, 1 lap and the last thing 2 was laps. I believed I could do 3 laps, but my walk is too slow now. It's been too hot or too dark for me if I do 3 laps. 

Here's the pic when I did my first lap by walking after my sickness. 

15: Accupuncture Time

I was doing accupunture as a therapy for me.

14: Stairs Work

13: Father and Son

Sunday, July 28, 2019

12: The First MRI Result

Here's my first MRI result with 12 blockades:

First MRI

11: I Must Raise Up Like Superman

Yes, I must raise  up like Superman!

10: Weight Loss

I gradually dropped my weight util around 20 Kgs. (44.1 lbs) or more. Scale check is my routine daily activity.

9: Swimming Rehabilitation, part 2

I needed several times to the pool to realize that my stiff right foot calve was the cause of the sinking whenever I tried to swim...

Saturday, July 27, 2019

8: Swimming Rehabilitation, part 1

I couldn't swim since my stroke, I always sunk when I swam. So I had to rehabilitate it. Here's the story: 
 My swimming rehabilitation footage (1)

7: Doing Speech Therapy

Flashback 1 - Speech Therapy
Flashback 2 - Speech Therapy

Thursday, July 25, 2019

4: Learning to Write

A few weeks after I was diagnosed with stroke, I tried to write down a phone number shown in a TV commercial, but I couldn't. Even the number zero, I couldn't write it down. Then I requested a book and a pen for me to train my handwriting and signature. It took around 4 months, and I had to come to the bank and signing a document.

My signature was declared OK by the bank, and considered same as the specimen they kept.

Here's the footage:

3: Learning to Walk

“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.


It's a strong, good and motivating quote by Martin Luther King Jr. When I was healthy and then stroke hit me in June 2918, I have experienced most of all, including running, walking and crawling. I had to learn walking and running again. Here's my story to learn how to walk again: